"Herd mentality" is killing a thousand Americans each day. Achieving herd IMMUNITY (a word the POTUS can't seem to find) would take a LOT more lives. That's even with a vaccine, since large swaths of the public are unlikely to accept any COVID vaccine, though particularly one the POTUS rushes into production for political expediency. And deaths and dislocations from climate disruption are growing by the year. We're also struggling to provide liberty and justice to substantial non-white portions of the population.
These are emergencies. If we want democracy to continue to exist, the U.S. must demonstrate competent responses to existential threats. Otherwise the world will choose more authoritarian models. Our failures are obvious and public. For instance, despite requiring brutal tactics and lack of transparency, China's COVID response statistics are far better than ours. And we've abdicated leadership on climate, including by leaving the Paris Agreement.
A 6-3 conservative majority on the SCOTUS could end the "American Experiment" and have global implications. It likely wouldn't survive continued American political gridlock in responding to at least three emergencies.
So yeah, put me down for court-stacking if it can save democracy.