Enough Concealer for Two Faces
Masking the reality of PPE, distancing, and contact tracing in the White House
2 min readMay 14, 2020

What the POTUS is pretending:
- To look strong or invincible
- Not to be that worried about contracting COVID-19
What he’s actually doing:
- Requiring that White House staff be frequently tested
- Relying on workplace contact tracing to control community spread when people like Katie Miller (Mike Pence’s press secretary) test positive
- Encouraging staff to telework if at all possible and wear masks in the White House when unable to socially distance
- Failing to model wearing masks that can protect others, including when meeting World War II veterans
- Promoting armed protests against lockdowns and reopening states with limited testing and minimal contact tracing capacity
- Forcing governors to take charge of testing and PPE acquisition in order to control community spread and reopen economies responsibly
- Saying things that contradict his own experts’ statements about who can get tested and the likelihood of the virus “vanishing” without a vaccine
What might actually help:
- Wearing a mask to model community health-promoting behaviors for all citizens
- Providing accurate information to mitigate risk as distancing measures ease
- Finding a competent manager to assist states in surging tests and using contact tracing around the country (hint: not his son-in-law)